Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how “we” collect, use, share and process your information, and the rights and choices you have associated with that information.This Privacy Policy applies to all personal information collected during any written, electronic and oral communications, or personal information collected online or offline, including: our website and any other email.

Please read our terms and conditions and this policy before accessing or using our services.If you cannot agree to these policies or terms, please do not access or use our services.If you are located in a jurisdiction outside the European Economic Area, by purchasing our products or using our services, you accept the terms and conditions and our privacy practices as described in this policy.

We may change this policy at any time, without notice, and the changes may apply to any personal information we already have about you, as well as to any new personal information collected after the policy change.If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the date at the top of this policy.We will provide you with enhanced notice if we make any material changes to the way we collect, use or disclose your personal information that affects your rights under this policy.If you are located in a jurisdiction other than the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom or Switzerland (collectively, the 'European countries'), your continued access or use of our services following notification of changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Policy.

In addition, we may provide you with real-time disclosures or additional information about the personal information practices of specific parts of our services.Such notices may supplement this policy or provide you with additional choices about how we process your personal information.
We are proud of more than 30 years of history of serving outstanding products to government networks and customers around the world.

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Phone: +86-13776993069
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